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Uzbekistan Pavilion Biennale Arte 2024

Uzbekistan Pavilion, Biennale Arte 2024

Press office, media buying, pr
Opening ceremony and press conference organization.

Venice, Italy; January – December 2024


The Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation announces the participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the 60th International Art Exhibition— La Biennale di Venezia, running from April 20 to November 24, 2024. This year, the pavilion entitled “Don’t Miss the Cue” is curated for the first time by the Centre for Contemporary Art Tashkent, presenting the Uzbek artist Aziza Kadyri. The exhibition “Don’t Miss the Cue” will also feature a collaboration with Qizlar Collective, a Tashkent-based female artists group.

Resonating with the theme of the 60th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere” , set forth by the curator Adriano Pedrosa, the exhibition “Don’t Miss the Cue” addresses issues of belonging and identity through the experiences of women from Central Asia , offering insight into how they navigate and redefine themselves in the migration process.

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Uzbekistan Pavilion Biennale Arte 2024