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After the Lockdown, a Breath of Fresh Art! – Una Boccata d’Arte

Words by Claudia, September 2020

Fondazione Elpis in collaboration with Galleria Continua presents “Una boccata d’arte” (a breath of fresh art) a project of cultural, touristic, and economic enhancement based on the meeting of 20 contemporary artists with 20 Italian villages of historical and artistic importance.


After long months of lockdown for everybody and many difficulties for the Italy’s tourism industry, Foundation Elpis wishes to give a significant contribution to contemporary art and to the enhancement of the Italian historical and landscape heritage, in view of the complete recovery of the cultural activities in Italy.

From 12 September to 11 October, 20 Italian villages will host 20 site-specific contemporary art interventions, mostly carried out outdoors by emerging and established Italian artists, thus favoring outdoor activities and meetings for those who love contemporary art and living the territory.

Above left: Presicce, Chiesa S.Andrea, Luminarie nel borgo

Above right: Claudia Losi, Voce a vento, 2018. Performance e installazione. Progetto a cura di Katia Anguelova. Temporary site-specific installation, Parco Nazionale del Cilento Vallo di Diano

Artists and villages:


Abruzzo, Santo Stefano di Sessanio (l’Aquila), Antonello Ghezzi (Nadia Antonello, Cittadella, 1985 e Paolo Ghezzi, Bologna, 1980)

Basilicata, Pisticci (Matera), Sabrina Mezzaqui (Bologna, 1964)

Calabria, Soverato Vecchia (Catanzaro), Matteo Nasini (Roma, 1976)

Campania, Sant’Agata de’ Goti (Benevento), Ornaghi & Prestinari (Valentina Ornaghi, Milano, 1986 e Claudio Prestinari, Milano, 1984)

Emilia-Romagna, Grizzana Morandi (Bologna), Massimo Uberti (Brescia, 1966)

Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sutrio (Udine), Sabrina Melis (Milano, 1986)

Lazio, Ronciglione (Viterbo), Marta Spagnoli (Verona, 1994)

Liguria, Cervo (Imperia), Elena Mazzi (Reggio Emilia, 1984)

Lombardia, Castellaro Lagusello (Mantova),  Clarissa Baldassarri (Civitanova Marche, 1994)

Marche, Acquaviva Picena (Ascoli Piceno), Matteo Fato (Pescara, 1979)

Above left: Borgo Val Belluna courtesy Walter Argenta

Above right: Bekhbaatar Enkhtur

Molise, Sepino (Campobasso), Francesco Pozzato (Vicenza, 1992)

Piemonte, Orta San Giulio (Novara), Paolo Brambilla (Lecco, 1990)

Puglia, Presicce – Acquarica (Lecce), Claudia Losi (Piacenza, 1971)

Sardegna, San Pantaleo (Sassari), Giovanni Ozzola (Firenze, 1982)

Sicilia, Ferla (Siracusa), Marta De Pascalis (Roma, 1987) e Filippo Vogliazzo (Milano, 1987)

Toscana, Volterra (Pisa), Marinella Senatore (Cava de’ Tirreni, 1977)

Trentino-Alto Adige, Mezzano (Trento), Luca Pozzi (Milano, 1983)

Umbria, Massa Martana (Perugia), Arcangelo Sassolino (Vicenza, 1967)

Valle d’Aosta, Avise (Aosta), Alice Visentin (Ciriè, 1993)

Veneto, Borgo Valbelluna (Belluno), Bekhbaatar Enkhtur (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 1994)

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#september2020 – Art finally! (part III)